Atti della Riunione/ Meeting Acta
Villa Pagliarini, Sacrofano, Roma, 22 Settembre 2007
E' con grande piacere che do a tutti il benvenuto alla riunione della nostra Gens. Per alcuni è la prima volta. Un particolare, caldo benvenuto va ai nostri cugini venuti da oltremare (Margo, Jeanne, Audra, Bob, Raymond, Tony, Lon). Apprezziamo molto la loro presenza. Sono anche graditi gli amici, quasi nostri parenti, che hanno voluto essere con noi. Un saluto anche a chi non ha potuto essere presente.
Lasciando spazio anche per la socializzazione individuale, presenteremo qualche memoria che riguarda la nostra famiglia.
In particolare: Tony dirà qualcosa sulle origini dei Braghetta del ramo svizzero.
Renzo illustrerà l'albero genealogico dei Braghetta di Sacrofano.
Se altri intendono portare un contributo raccontando fatti ed episodi che riguardano i nostri avi, sono benvenuti.
La cena sarà servita alle ore 20. Dovremo lasciare qualche minuto al personale per la preparazione dei tavoli.
Appena seduti a tavola passerà xyz che registrerà i presenti e preleverà 35 € per persona che, come sapete, è il prezzo della cena.
Piatto ricordo
Per ricordare l'evento odierno abbiamo dato incarico ad una ceramista di realizzare un numero limitato di piatti in porcellana raffiguranti il nostro stemma. Ogni piatto è fatto completamente a mano e costa 20 €. Si possono ritirare, se disponibili, alla fine della cena pagandoli al momento.
Villa Pagliarini, Sacrofano -
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the meeting of our Gens. For some of us this is the first time. A special and warm welcome to our cousins coming from overseas (Margo, Jeanne, Audra, Bob, Raymond, Tony, Lon). We appreciate very much their presence. Also welcome to some friends, almost-relatives, who wanted to be with us. A special regard to those unable to attend.
Leaving room for the individual socialization we shall present some papers concerning our family.
In particular, Tony will talk about the Swiss origins of the Braghetta's branch.
Renzo will illustrate the genealogic tree of the Braghettas of Sacrofano. Any other willing to contribute with anectodes and episodes concerning our ancestors will be welcome.
The dinner will be served at 8.00 pm. We shall allow few minutes to the catering-staff to set the tables.
Once sat down for the dinner, xyz will register the names of the attendents and he will collect 35 € per person that, as you know, is the established fee for the dinner.
Souvenir dish
To remember the event, we gave to a ceramic artist the task of manufacturing a limited number of dishes reproducing our coat of arms. Each dish is completely hand made and costs 20 €. If you wish to purchase it, you can buy it once the dinner is over.
Si può dire con certezza che i Braghetta risultino esistere almeno dal 1500.
Sia tra gli archivi di Sacrofano, sia tra quelli di Lavertezzo (Ticino), si trovano Braghetta già registrati e censiti nel 1600. Nessuna ricerca è stata eseguita nella zona di Venezia – Ferrara - Padova.
Le zone geografiche da cui i ceppi che attualmente individuiamo risultano al momento tre: 1) Il nord-ovest dell'Italia (Ferrara, Padova, Venezia) 2). Il Cantone Ticino (Svizzera Italiana); e 3) Sacrofano (Roma). Se e come tra queste tre zone ci sia stato un collegamento, non siamo riusciti a stabilirlo sulla base di documenti. Verosimili sono le ipotesi di spostamenti al seguito di eserciti o di Signori nel 14° e 15° secolo. La storia di un Francesco Braghetta, al seguito di Nicolò III d'Este (1384-1441) recatosi a Roma per ingraziarsi Papa Bonifacio IX, confermerebbe origini ferraresi e potrebbe spiegare la nascita di Braghetta a Sacrofano, vicino al Vaticano. Anche enti pseudo-araldici fanno risalire le origini dei Braghetta alla città di Ferrara. Nessuna ipotesi è però suffragata da prove documentali.
Ancora meno certo è stabilire un rapporto con i Braghetta del Ticino. Non sembra però verosimile che questi ultimi abbiano dato origine alle famiglie Italiane. Infatti, se di spostamenti per lavoro dalla Svizzera all'Italia si fosse trattato, con molta probabilità il primo luogo di ri-allocazione in Italia sarebbe la Lombardia, confinante col Ticino e in via di sviluppare allora la ancora fiorente industria tessile. Ma attualmente pressoché nessun Braghetta (tranne quelli provenienti dal ferrarese) è stato censito in Lombardia.
Qualche Braghetta esisteva in Corsica negli anni '60 (ne ebbi notizia da un impiegato comunale di Ajaccio), ma non ne abbiamo potuti localizzare di recente.
Fuori Europa esistono Braghetta in USA e in Brasile, tutti derivanti dal ceppo Svizzero a seguito di emigrazioni nella seconda metà del
We can say that the Braghettas existed at least since 1500.
Both in Sacrofano (
The geographical areas of the branches that we traced so far are three: 1) the North East of Italy (Ferrara-Venice-Padua). 2) The Ticino (Italian
The presence of a Francesco Braghetta, acknowledged to be among Niccolò III of Este's suite (1384-1441) that came to
Even less certain is any link with the Braghetta of Ticino. Or at least it doesn't seem likely that the latter have originated the Italian families. In fact if any migration for job from
Some Braghetta existed in Corsica in the sixties (I received such information from a clerk working in
Outside Europe there are Braghettas both in
The earliest mention of the Braghetta family in this village is July 4, 1662 with the birth of Domenico, son of Giovanni Braghetta. This birth was recorded in the baptismal records of the
In the church census for 1669 there were four Braghetta families in Verzolio. All were headed by a Giovanni Braghetta. It would appear that this last name existed in the village sometime before the church records began in the year 1653, as all four males have the same first name.
By the time of the census of 1703, Giovanni, son of Domenico, has died. His wife is still living and they have the following male children: Domenico born 1674. Giovanni Pietro, born 1681. Carlo, born 1682 . Giacomo Filippo, born 1688
By the time of 1741 census, the family is still very small.
Domenico Braghetta, born 1674, is still living. With him are his son, Giovanni, born 1703 and his wife Rosa; his son Pietro, born 1709, and his wife Giovanna Maria; and his son Filippo born 1695.
Domenico's brother Carlo, born 1682 is also still living. With him is his wife Giovanna, born 1701. Ultimately this family will have the following children: Carlo, born Apr 22, 1740. Giovanni, born Oct 28, 1742. Giacomo Filippo, born Nov 9, 1746. Pietro, born about 1750
By the time of the 1776 census, the family is somewhat larger.
Pietro Braghetta, born 1709, son of Domenico, is the oldest living member of Braghetta . He has sons Giovanni Antonio, born 1752; Pietro, born 1754; Gasparo, born 1766. He also has four young grandchildren, the children of his late son, Domenico.
Carlo Braghetta, born 1740, lives with his wife Maria Gottarda, his brothers Filippo and Pietro, his son Carlo, and his nephew Carlo who is the son of his deceased brother, Giovanni. This family will produce a large descendancy of Braghettas in the 19th Century.
Giovanna, wife of Giovanni Marco, is still living. The only remaining son is Giacomo, born 1738, and he lives with his wife Maria Angela.
The census of 1795 is the last one before members of this family begin spreading out to other villages. Many of the same family members are found as in 1776, but more detail is provided in the church census.
Gasparo Braghetta, born 1766, the son of Pietro, lives alone but both his brothers, Pietro born 1754 and Giovanni born 1752 are listed as being away from the village. It is not clear if they have families.
Gasparo has a nephew, Felice Braghetta born 1772, and he is listed with two other nephews, Pietro Domenico, born 1770, and Carlo, born 1772. The latter two are also absent from the village.
Also a nephew of Gasparo is
Gasparo's brother's and nephews provide many male Braghettas into the 19th century.
The other large family that provides Braghetta heirs into the 19th century is that of
Nearby lives his brother Filippo Braghetta, born Nov 9, 1746. He lives with his wife Maria Domenica, daughter of Domenico Grossi, and his children, Carlo, born 1792, and Maria Clara born 1795.
Living with Filippo is his brother Pietro, born 1750, and his wife
Not far away is
Finally, there is Antonio, son of
Giacomo Filippo, son of Giovanni Marco, lives with his wife Maria Angela, but they have no children.
Later censuses are made throughout
The publication "Le Origini Del Presente" by Aquiliano Gnesa notes that in 1887 there was a Braghetta family living in Pescadero in California.
The Swiss "White Pages" ( shows 12 Braghetta families listed in
Presenti alla cena / Attending the Dinner - 22-9-07
Bolz Werner
Braghetta Ambra
Braghetta Bianca
Braghetta Bob
Braghetta Bruno (BS)
Braghetta Carlo
Braghetta Caterina
Braghetta Franca
Braghetta Francesca
Braghetta Franco
Braghetta Franco
Braghetta Giada
Braghetta Giovanna
Braghetta Ida
Braghetta Laura (BS)
Braghetta Lia
Braghetta Manfredo
Braghetta Margo
Braghetta Massimiliano
Braghetta Noemi
Braghetta Piero
Braghetta Pietro
Braghetta Raymond
Braghetta Renzo
Braghetta Romeo
Braghetta Sabrina
Braghetta Sanio
Braghetta Silvestro
Braghetta Sonia
Braghetta Vanda
Braghetta Vittorio
Cerasoli Dora
Cerasoli Giampiero
Cerasoli Giuseppina
Cerasoli Rita
Gasparri Orazio
Gasparri Panfilo
Jagodnick Cinzia
Jagodnick Giuliana
Metzger Audra
Metzger Keith
Metzger Lon
Quinn Tony
Santori Laura
Santori Susi
Santori Tommaso
Santori X
Santori X
Santori Y
Santori Z
Sutliffe Jeanne
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